27.  John Ross to John H. Payne, 7 January 1836

My Dear Sir

    . . . The President also spoke of a Memorial having been received from the Cherokee people, but did not state its contents, nor the names or numbers of signers - and we did not deem it proper at that time to ask for particulars in relation to it . . . it is evident that it must be the work of deception, and intended to operate against the delegation . . .

    . . . It is impossible to form any correct opinion, as yet of the prospects before us, for a satisfactory termination of our unhappy difficulties.  The members of the delegation having so recently met together here that nothing of consequences has been matured or determined upon by them as to the final course to be pursued &c.  Neither the secretary of War nor the President has said a word to me on the subject of our arrest by the Georgia Guard.

    I have not yet ascertained what price can be got for your horse, but as he has got over the fatigue of his journey & and is in good keeping, and appears gaily - I will have him rode gently thro' the city to be looked at, and see what price can be obtained for him &c.  The expense for keeping a horse pr. month is $14 . . .

John Ross


27.  John Ross to John H. Payne, 7 Jan 1836, in Gary E. Moulton, ed., The Papers of Chief John Ross vol. 1 (Norman, OK:   University of Oklahoma Press, 1985), 381-82.