1. John Ross, et al, to John C. Calhoun, 13 January 1824
We beg leave to lay this communication before you touching the object of our mission to your Government at this time. It is the sincere desire of the Cherokee Nation that her true character and disposition toward the Government of the United States should be fairly represented and correctly understood at all time, this is indispensably necessary and all important for the best interests of the Cherokee People, sensible as they are, that from the magnanimity and fostering care of the United States, they are emerging from wretchedness and ignorance to comfort and civilized knowledge, their conduct and disposition are therefore ever in accordance with peace and friendship, and are ever ready to participate in the toils, dangers and privations under which the Government of the United States may by chance be involved in maintaining her rights, dignity and honor from foreign domination . . .
John Ross Major Ridge (X)
Geo Lowery Elijah Hicks
1. John Ross to John C. Calhoun, 13 Jan 1824, in Gary E. Moulton, ed., The Papers of Chief John Ross vol. 1 (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1985), 56.