2. Prospectus of the Phoenix, Elias Boudinot, 28 February 1828
It has long been the opinion of judicious friends to the civilization of the Aborigines of America, that a paper published exclusively for their benefit, and under their direction, would add great force to the charitable means employed by the public for their melioration. In accordance with that opinion, the legislative authorities of the Cherokees have thought fit to patronize a weekly paper, bearing the above title; and have appointed the subscriber to take charge of it as Editor. In issuing this Prospectus the Editor would, by no means, be sanguine, for he is aware that he will tread upon untried ground. Nor does he make any pretention to learning, for it must be known that the great and sole motive in establishing this paper, is the benefit of the Cherokees. This will be the great aim of the Editor, which he intends to pursue with undeviating steps. Many reasons might be given in support of the utility of such a paper as that which is now offered to the public, but it is deemed useless. There are many true friends to the Indians in different parts of the Union, who will rejoice to see this feeble effort of the Cherokee to rise from their ashes, like the fabled Phoenix. On such friends must principally depend the support of our paper.
The Alphabet lately invented by a native Cherokee, of which the public have already been apprized, forms an interesting medium of information to those Cherokees who are unacquainted with the English language. For their benefit Cherokee types have been procured.
The columns of the Cherokee Phoenix will be filled, partly with English, and partly with Cherokee print; and all matter which is of common interest will be given in both languages in parallel columns.
As the great object of the Phoenix will be the benefit of the Cherokees, the following subjects will occupy its columns.
1. The laws and public documents of the Nation.
2. Account of the manners and customs of the Cherokees, and their progress in Education, Religion and the arts of civilized life; with such notices of other Indian tribes as our limited means of information will allow.
3. The principle interesting news of the day.
4. Miscellaneous articles, calculated to promote Literature, Civilization, and Religion among the Cherokees.
In closing this short Prospectus, the Editor would appeal to the friends of Indians, and respectfully ask their patronage. Those who have heretofore manifested a christian zeal in promoting our welfare and happiness, will no doubt freely lend their helping hand.
Elias Boudinot