5.  Wilson Lumpkin, Annual Message, 6 November 1832

   . . . Georgia should not suffer herself to be deluded or flattered into the belief that her rights have heretofore been maintained upon the principle and doctrines of nullification, as contended for by the present advocates.  It is true, we may look back with pride and pain on our past conflict with Federal usurpation.  Upon several occasions we have been compelled to throw ourselves upon our reserved rights, and resist Federal encroachment; but we have never veiled ourselves in the flimsy garment of peaceable constitutional nullification.   In these delicate and highly responsible acts, Georgia has always relied on her own population, the justice of her cause, and the virtue and intelligence of the people of the United States, to sustain her unquestionable constitutional rights.  And hitherto our confidence has not been misplaced; we have had able friends and advocates in every part of the Union who have stood by us in times of the greatest peril.  We are at present very improperly charged with nullifying the intercourse laws and Indian treaties of the United States, when, in fact, these laws and treaties were set aside, and had become measurably obsolete, by the acts and assumptions of the Cherokee Indians themselves; Georgia, by her course of policy, has only nullified the arrogant assumption of sovereign power, claimed and set up by a remnant of the aboriginal race within her acknowledged chartered limits.

    Finally, fellow citizens, let us strive to be of one mind - let our measures be founded in wisdom, justice and moderation - constantly bearing in mind the sacred truth, that a Nation or State "divided against itself, cannot stand."

Wilson Lumpkin


5.  Wilson Lumpkin, Annual Message 1832, in Lumpkin, Removal of the Cherokee Indians, vol. 1, 125.