7. Andrew Jackson to Gov. Wilson Lumpkin, 22 June 1832
D'r Sir,
Your letter written last winter to me relative to our affairs with the Cherokee Indians was duly recd: but it was not acknowledged in consequence of the great pressure of business at the time, and because I thought an official answer unnecessary to one so much in my confidence and so well acquainted with my views on the Indian question, as you were. I had spoken to Govr. Troup and other members of your state in relation to the course which appeared to me the most proper to be adopted in regard to the survey and disposition of the land lying within the Cherokee boundary. My great desire was that you should do no act which would give the Federal court a legal jurisdiction over a case that might arise with the cherokees; and having explained myself fully to your delegation I did not doubt that you were fully apprised by them of my feelings and wishes.
Surrounded as I now am with business I address you this hasty note only to assure you of my continued confidence and respect; which I trust you will never question on account of the rumours and statements which the malice of our common enemies may circulate for the purpose of separating us.
With great respect I remain yr. friend,
Andrew Jackson
7. Andrew Jackson to Gov. Wilson Lumpkin, 22 June 1832, in John S. Bassett, ed., Correspondence of Andrew Jackson vol. 4 (Washington: Carnegie Institute, 1929), 450-51.