6. From The Chronicle and Advertiser (Augusta, GA) 25 March 1828
From The Richmond Enquirer
. . . We know how deeply this sentiment is strengthened among the Indians by a sort of superstitious reverence for the ashes of their ancestors. "What!" (exclaimed the Indians of Canada, when the French were persuading them to remove from their native fields) - "Can we say to the bones of our fathers, 'Arise, and go with us to a foreign land?" - But the sad experience of so many years ought to read this melancholy lesson to the Cherokees; that the foot of the white man is continually treading upon their heels; that the resources of the surrounding whites must gradually destroy all insulated opposition on the part of the sons of the forest; and that it is better for them to remove to the West of the Mississippi; where uniting with the other tribes, in their moral and physical resources, they may gradually develope, on a more auspicious theatre, the new experiment of Indian Civilization.