3. From The Athenian (Athens, GA) 27 October 1829
John Eaton to Col. William Ward, Agent, 31 July 1829
I have received your letter, and approve the talk made by you to the Indians. The President [Andrew Jackson] is fully satisfied that the opposition produced amongst the Indians against emigration is ascribable mainly to the interference and bad counsel of viscous white men, who gain a place in the Nation. These have no business here. None are to be permitted to remain in the Nation, but under a written permit from the Agent, which permit is to be revoked when good behaviour is lost sight of, and not to be given except where the party is known to be of good character. White men married to Indians, and who consequently by their regulation are entitled to residence, are not to be considered as requiring a permit from you. But even these when found to be disorganizers, and seeking to thwart the policy and views of the government, must be reported to this department, with the circumstances of their conduct; and an order will be forthwith given to remove them from the Nation.
How can the Indians expect to remain where they are: They are surrounded by the whites - They are within the limits and jurisdiction of a State, whose laws may at any time be extended over them; nor can the general government here prevent it; because they have not the constitutional power to prevent it. But beyond the Mississippi, this government will possess the power, and can exercise it. It will be disposed, when there settled, to molest or disturb them no more, but leave them and their children at peace, and in repose forever. They will be interrupted by no one. The tribes that shall go there, and enter into peace and fellowship with us truly and in sincerity, will have none to disturb or make them afraid, because their enemies would be our enemies. The United States would not look with indifference upon any tribe making war with another, but viewing the quiet and happiness of the whole, would with paternal care consult and maintain the interests of the whole . . .
John Eaton