1. From The Athenian (Athens, GA) 23 February 1827
. . . Georgia, if we are not mistaken, instead of having violated a law of the nation, has, in this instance, either to repel force by force, the measures of Government, or submit to the indignity of having her own Constitutional Laws set at defiance by the head of that confederacy of which she is a member. The Executive of Georgia [George M. Troup], acting as the executor of her will, as expressed by the representatives of the people, is bound by every consideration of justice to her interest, as well as by oath, faithfully to execute her laws, and rigorously to enforce obedience to the same.
The question whether the Constitution of the U. States gives to Congress the right of establishing any law in contravention to State Laws, previously established, is one on which we conceive the very existence of State sovereignty depends, and in the result of which every friend to the interest and liberty of his country must feel a deep solicitude.
It will be perceived by a reference to Gov. Troup's letter to the Secretary of War, that measures are in progress for repelling any hostile invasion on the part of the General Government against the rights of Georgia. The threatening of the Executive cannot it appears, affect the determination of the Executive of Georgia, to carry into effect a constitutional law of the state, and the conditions of a treaty established upon the faith of the nation. We believe notwithstanding the virulent remarks which have already proceeded from some of his opposers, that there is yet a spirit of patriotism existing that will sustain unviolated those rights that must otherwise be trampled upon by the authority of her dictator. As well may be said that Georgia was, as that she is, if her operations are to be fettered by the restrictions and constructions, not of the government of the United States, for we cannot admit such high handed and arbitrary measures can receive the sanction of legislative deliberation, but by the authority of one, who leagued with those who have evinced themselves the enemies of Georgia and the country, would plunge the nation in a civil war, to foster their disaffections, while higher compacts and stronger obligations are disregarded and forgotten.