4.  From The Chronicle and Advertiser (Augusta, GA) undated, 1827

Niles Register

   There is a report that Governor Troup has ordered out a detachment of the militia of Georgia to protect the engineers and surveyors in performing the task assigned them:  but this is not probable.  The right of the Cherokees to the soil that they inhabit is not in question, and they may refuse liberty to survey it, if they please, though we should think it impolitic for them to do so.  But as the United States have always, by treaty or otherwise, asked for and obtained such liberties of every tribe of Indians with whom we have had any relations of the sort, it would seem that Georgia ought to act with like gentleness, and so obtain a grant of that which, it is true, power may command but right would solicit - and, if solicited, we must think, would not be refused.  The Cherokees, consider ably advanced in civilized life, are pertinacious on one point - that they will not sell their lands, and we cannot blame them for it.  Their jealousy however, in the present instance, is extreme.